Starting Tasks
The commands you will use the most involve adding events to the time log.
Start a New Task
$ rtimelog start +projA @Code Details
Start timing a new task, stopping any current task. Since rtimelog
only tracks one task at a time,
the current task is always stopped when starting a new task. The argument for this command is a
Task Description.
Stop the Current Task
$ rtimelog stop
Stop timing the current task.
Save the Current Task and Start Another
$ rtimelog push +projA @Docs README
Save the current task description on the stack and start timing new task. The current task description is saved in the stack file in the timelog directory. The argument to this command is a Task Description.
You can manipulate the saved task description with resume, or one of the stack sub-commands.
Resume a Saved Command
$ rtimelog resume
Stop the current task and restart top task from the stack. This also removes the task description from the stack.
Save the Current Task and Stop
$ rtimelog pause
Save the current task description on the stack and stop that task from timing. It’s the equivalent of pushing the current task, while stopping timing at the same time.
Toggle Between Current and Saved Command
$ rtimelog swap
Pop the top task description off the stack, resuming that task. Save the current task description on the stack. This is useful for time-slicing or toggling between a couple of activities.