Task Description

A task description is a text string that may have a +project and/or a @taskname.


The first string of non-whitespace characters beginning with a ‘+’ is treated as the project for this entry. The project is useful for grouping tasks and is relevant when using the reporting commands.

The obvious use for projects would be actual business projects. Any way of grouping tasks that works for you is useful.


For example, I also use something like +Admin for daily administrivia, so that it’s easy group that kind of work in reports. Sometimes, I have used a project that is the company name, for company-specific administrative information for the company.

Task Name

Additionally, the first string of non-whitespace characters beginning with a ‘@’ is treated as a task name. Task names are often general task types. For a developer, possibles might include: @Code, @Test, @Docs, @CodeReview, @Deploy, etc.

Obviously, the task names are also very personal. So, use whatever works best for you. I also find myself using special purpose task names, that might never (or rarely) be used again.

Task Details

If a task has no name, the non-project part of the entry is treated as the task name. Otherwise, the non-project, non-taskname part of the event is treated as detail information for the event.