Summary Report

The summary report displays the amount of time spent on individual projects without dipping into the tasks for each project.

The -p option can be supplied 0 or more times to specify the projects shown in the report. If no -p is supplied, all projects are shown.

The optional date range descriptor specifies the dates covered by the report.


report summary [-p proj] [date range descriptor]


The report for an example day might be:

  $ rtimelog report summary yesterday
  2013-07-01  8:08
    Admin          0:19
    Bar            0:05
    Foo            7:45

If you only work on one project at a time, this report will not be very useful. However, I have found this report handy for as few as two projects. For example, handing off one project to another team, while beginning a new project. During the beginning of the hand-off, there are usually a number of meetings and interruptions helping the other team take over. It’s not always easy to realize how much time is spent on this kind of activity.

This report is most useful for people who need to track multiple projects every day. If you use the Admin pseudo-project described earlier, this can still be useful for recognizing how much time you are spending on non-project tasks. Those kinds of time-stealers are easy to lose track of.