Task Chart

Create a graphical dashboard containing pie charts showing the proportion of projects during the day, and tasks for each project, as well as bar graph showing how time during the day is distributed into projects.

The optional date range descriptor specifies the dates covered by the report.


report chart [date range descriptor]


The report chart command gives a graphical representation of the time spent during the day as an HTML page. The data is displayed as a pie chart breaking down the projects worked during the day. For each project, there is a smaller pie chart for the tasks applied to that project.

Finally, there is a hourly bar chart showing the time in each hour spent on the various projects. The chart report for the example shows the output of this command.

I created this report specifically as an exercise after seeing some of the output from other time tracking programs. Although I use it relatively rarely, someone who is more visually-oriented might find this version more useful.

This report was a result of someone showing really pretty charts from a fancy time-tracking app. I have usually resisted adding features that I don’t see myself using a lot. But, I built this mostly to show how much this simple tool could do. I still don’t use it much.