Other Commands

The remaining commands do not necessarily fit into one of the other categories.


  $ rtimelog init

Prepare the system for use with rtimelog. First, it creates the directory where rtimelog stores its information, if that directory does not already exist. Then, the command creates and initializes the .timelogrc configuration file, in the user’s home directory, with the information needed to run.

If a directory is not supplied, use the default location of timelog in the user’s home directory.


init [dir]

Edit the Timelog

  $ rtimelog edit

Open the timelog file in the current editor. The editor can be specified in the configuration file. If no editor is specified in the configuration, the program uses the value of the VISUAL environment variable. If VISUAL has no value, then the value of EDITOR is used instead. If neither environment variable has a value, then the program defaults to vim

Archive Previous Year’s Data

  $ rtimelog archive

Move all entries from the earliest year in the logfile, into a new file in the timelog directory named timelog-{year}.txt. No entries are moved from the current year.

Check the Timelog File for Problems

  $ rtimelog check

Walk the logfile and report any problems found with the file.

Get Help on Commands

  $ rtimelog help

Display help about commands. The help command gives more detailed help about the command.

With no arguments, you get a list of the commands, each with its associated help text. The commands are each listed as a usage line with some explanatory text.

Any other argument is looked up in the command list.


help [command]

List Aliases

  $ rtimelog aliases

List all of the aliases and their expansions from the config file.