Special Entries
Special entries are points in time that do not feed in to the normal time processing. All special
entries have a special character replacing the space after the date stamp that indicates which type
of marked entry it is. These entries are not required to perform useful tracking of your time, but
they have been found to be useful in later uses of the rtimelog
All special entries are ignored when reporting on times.
Ignored Entries
If the mark character after the time stamp is !
, the entry is marked as ignored. This means that
a task would have started, but was later ignored.
2013-07-01 10:01:23!+Timelog @Meeting File Format
A good example would be when a task or meeting is supposed to start, but after just after you mark the time, it gets canceled. Since you won’t spend any time in that task, you don’t want to track it. However the ignored entry marks that it happened, even if it was not actually used in time tracking.
Zero Duration Events
If the mark character after the time stamp is ^
, the entry is a zero duration event (or event
for short). An event marks something happening at a point in time, rather than an entry for at one
end of a span of time.
2013-07-01 10:01:23^+Timelog System restart
For example, you might use a event to indicate when an alert happens, or to mark when during the day that some irregular event occurs.